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Muscle and Joint Care Topical Paste

Muscle and Joint Care Topical Paste

Regular price $15.95 USD
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Deep penetrating plaster for discomfort in muscles and joints and nerve imbalances. Helps to reduce swelling and speed recovery. Great for chronic issues.  Twisted ankle, plantar fasciitis, hip pain, knee pain. Pulled hamstring, Carpal tunnel. 

Apply paste to the affected area and secure to the body with adhesive tape.  Make the application as air tight as possible..  Wear for at least 8 hrs.  Repeat as necessary.

Key Ingredients*

Radix Clematidis is known to:

  • Reduce soreness by increasing chi (energy) and circulation
  • Unblock and remove obstruction caused by internal bruising

Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae is known to:

  • Strengthen muscles, joints, tendons, sinews, and bones
  • Benefit joints and alleviates discomfort

Radix Puerariae is known to:

  • Increase circulation
  • Have an anti-spasmodic effect on smooth muscle

Radix Angelica Sinensis is known to:

  • Provide antioxidants and fight environmental stress and damage

Radix Ginseng is known to:

  • Detoxify and improve circulation enabling the body to quickly transport vitamins and minerals

 ** Research collected from Bensky D & Gamble & Gamble, A Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica. Washington Eastland Press 1986

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease  


Tape included with this package is of a general nature.  You may find one more suitable to you.

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